Sheikh Mudhaffer Noori

Welcome to the website of Sheikh Mudhaffer Noori. Here you will find videos and audios of  Lectures, Qur’an recitations and explanations of tajweed rules

أهلا بكم في موقع الشيخ مظفر نوري عبد الله. يمكنكم هنا مشاهدة الملفات الصوتية

.والمرئية المتعلقة بدروس ومحاضرات وقراءات الشيخ

Qur'an for Children

Tajweed Lessons

Lectures & Talks


Sheikh Mudhaffer Noori graduated from Al-Azhar with studies in Tafseerul Quran, in which he has a specialist interest. He has studied under the top reciters, Shaykh Ayman Swayd and Shaykh Ahmed Al-Masarawi. He has ijazaat in various Qira’aat (recitations) and in Sahih Al-Bukhari, and a license to issue ijaazaat in Quranic recitation. He is one of the presenters of the Recite show on Islam Channel and has spent several years studying and teaching The Quran across different countries. He is currently one of the Imams and Quranic study teachers at Al-Emaan Centre, London.